Thursday Quotables is a weekly meme hosted by Bookshelf Fantasies.
I chose two quotes because I love how they go together. I'm sure there's a star quote somewhere in Crown of Midnight as well, but these two stuck out more.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
"Still, the image haunted his dreams throughout the night: a lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back."
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
“I am going, Rowan. I will gather the rest of my court—our court—and then we will raise the greatest army the world has ever witnessed. I will call in every favor, every debt owed to Celaena Sardothien, to my parents, to my bloodline. And then . . .” She looked toward the sea, toward home. “And then I am going to rattle the stars.”
Oh, I like that line - "I am going to rattle the stars" !!! People seem to love these books, so I suppose I really should give them a try. Nice choice!